Sunday, 20 January 2008

Humphrey Bogart- Famous actor with Alopecia Areata

Lauren Bacall, wrote: "He noticed that he had a spot in his beard where his beard was not growing. More spots appeared, and suddenly one morning he found so many hairs in the pillow, that got shocked. One thing is being bold in just one area, and something different is being completly bold, in this case you would need to wear a wig. As more hair he lost, as more nervous he was, and as more nervous he was, more hair fell down. In the last scene Dark Passage, he was wearing a wig . He was frighten: his sustenance was hanging by a thread. It was neccesary to ask an expert. Diagnosis was Alopecia Areata"

Bogart is my favourite actor ( Cary Grant would be the second ). Casablanca, the big sleep, to have and have not and the maltese falcon would be in the list of my ten favourites movies, no doubt.

When I read about Bogart having Alopecia Areta, I felt relief. I thought: "I am not so different" In my case, when I meet somebody with Areata, I feel that I am not alone. I like to talk and discuss it and feel supported.

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